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 Gmail BackUp

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 756
Filloi me : 18/05/2009
Mosha : 34
Vendodhja : Loptop Vista Ultimate

Gmail BackUp Empty
MesazhTitulli: Gmail BackUp   Gmail BackUp EmptySat May 30, 2009 9:08 am

Gmail BackUp 29lms5l
GMail Backup is an application which allows users to save their emails and restore if necessary.

This is the seventth pre-final release of the GMail Backup tool - the
ultimate one-click solution for doing backups of your GMail account.

Here is the changelog of this version:

* We added support for German GMail - this GMail is not called
GMail, it is called Google Mail. Users of German Google Mail can now do
backups of their accounts using GMail Backup.

* We tried to fix the UnicodeError reported here. Is there
somebody using the non-ASCII labels who can test it and report the

This version is only a small bugfix release, so if you don't observe any problems you don't have to upgrade.

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Gmail BackUp
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