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 Alcohol 120% v 5.1 Blu-Ray

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 756
Filloi me : 18/05/2009
Mosha : 34
Vendodhja : Loptop Vista Ultimate

Alcohol 120% v 5.1 Blu-Ray Empty
MesazhTitulli: Alcohol 120% v 5.1 Blu-Ray   Alcohol 120% v 5.1 Blu-Ray EmptyTue Jun 16, 2009 1:56 am

Alcohol 120% v 5.1 Blu-Ray

Alcohol 120% v 5.1 Blu-Ray AlcoholBlu-Ray_wm

You drag the files in the wizard, and Alcohol 120% will tell you
whether you want a CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc fuur the amount of data
The generated data will be archived clearly, if you later
have another copy want to burn. This user-friendliness and simplicity
is unbeaten, including derhartesten competition.

Finally available! Alcohol BluRay :
- Blu-ray discs and copy data mixed in any blanks burn.
The easiest CD-and DVD-burning program has been expanded and improved. Any files together and burn with the Xtra Wizard.

So easy to be burning!
*Create media with information, photos, and MP3s, it does not matter whether CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc
*Extensive backup finally easy to create - on Blu-ray Disc

All Blu-rays, DVDs and CDs opy k 1:1 - that is only comfortable with Alcohol 120%
Legendary, fast, easy ... and now for Blu-ray discs. With this latest
version of Alcohol 120% can now also Blu-ray discs and copy on the hard
*Perfect 1:1 copies of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs
*Copied movies, music, software and games (PC, Playstation)
*Burn the image formats to ISO, BIN, NRG, MDS, CCD, CDI, BWT, BWI, BWA, B5T, B6T, ISZ, PDI

New! Burning any Datenzusammenstellungenmit the Xtra Wizard
New! Photo and MP3 media with the Xtra Wizard burn
New! Support for the latest type burner (Blu-ray, single, double, dual-layer DVDs)
New! Faster and more stable Reading / Writing engine, and Dumping / Burning engine
New! Enlarged firing Buffer: 256 MB for 32-bit systems, up to 1024 MB buffer for 64-bit systems
WINNERS! Up to 31 virtual CD, DVD and Blu-ray drives
Burns more than one medium at the same time: copying like mad!

Backup: You simply copy your files to a CD, DVD or Blu-ray disc and you
will create your one-step backup and extensive Datenmengen.MP3

CDs: Put your music collection on CD or up to 54 GB of music files on a Blu-ray Disc together!

Media Photo: A Blu-ray disc fit 50,000 photos, so you can easily large photo collections
secure and continue to give.

Virtual Drives - CDs loaded ade! Forget the tiresome loading of CDs and
DVDs! Once loaded onto the hard disk, display the data from all media
kopiergeschu?tzten not easy to mount virtual drives that behave exactly
like a real drive.

Up to 31 virtual CD, DVD or Blu-ray drives for maximum gaming power
Support for more ISO images, and file types

Please note: Under the revised copyright law (§ 95a UrhG) and allowed
to use Alcohol 120%, only CDs and DVDs without copy protection
effective technological measures copy.
Alcohol 120%, here is the program name. Here's burning!
Alcohol 120% quickly and easily create 1:1 copies of CD, DVD or Blu-ray.
Loading - copy - done.
With Alcohol 120% is the duplication and backup no problem. Simply insert a CD, DVD or Blu-ray a
the rest u?bernimmt Alcohol 120% for you. If you had problems with other programs, CD, DVD
or Blu-ray copy, Alcohol 120% is the solution that Siesuchen. It copies the things others often can not.

The first time, Alcohol 120% apart from the world's best copy function due to a comprehensive burning and backing up
Data, video and music. With the new Xtra Wizard make your own discs and media, and burn
directly to the medium of your choice or save it as an image file. You need no other burning software more.
Alcohol 120% 5.0 - the complete burning suite.

Alcohol Virtual DVD / CD - WINNERS:
The best software for virtual drives, regardless of the software disks, videos, games and music!
With the Virtual-Drive-functionality of Alcohol 120% you can up to 31 virtual drives, create and your valuable
Original CDs, DVDs or Blu-rays to leave home. The virtual disks retain
all common image formats. Whether this with Alcohol 120% were created
by other burning software or the Web.

System Requirement:-
~Microsoft Windows Vista / XP,
~Pentium 4, 1.8 GHz, 512 MB RAM,
~400 MB free hard disk space plus additional space for the images,
~graphics card with at least 1024 x 768 pixel resolution, 16 bit color (High Color),
~CD / DVD drive, CD / DVD writer, also supports Blu-ray drives and Blu-ray burner,
~Microsoft DirectX 9.0 or higher, for copying Playstation games: Mod Chip for Playstation

Size : 9.1 MB







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Alcohol 120% v 5.1 Blu-Ray
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