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 Cool Edit Pro 2.0

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 493
Filloi me : 20/05/2009
Vendodhja : Kat muj!!Kur Tmuj!!

Cool Edit Pro 2.0 Empty
MesazhTitulli: Cool Edit Pro 2.0   Cool Edit Pro 2.0 EmptyFri May 29, 2009 11:23 pm

Cool Edit Pro 2.0 2nh0npg

CoolEdit Pro 2.0

Whether you`re an audio engineer, web developer, multimedia creator or
musician, Cool Edit PRO is the software application that meets all your
demanding needs. More powerful than ever, Cool Edit Pro version 2 is
packed with the latest and greatest features that the digital audio
industry has to offer. Adobe Systems Incorporated acquired the
technology assets of Syntrillium Software in May 2003. On August 18th,
2003 Adobe released a rebranded version of Cool Edit Pro 2.1 as Adobe
Audition™️ software. This is the ORIGINAL Syntrillium's Cool Edit Pro

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Cool Edit Pro 2.0
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