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 Zeno Clash

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 756
Filloi me : 18/05/2009
Mosha : 34
Vendodhja : Loptop Vista Ultimate

Zeno Clash Empty
MesazhTitulli: Zeno Clash   Zeno Clash EmptySun May 24, 2009 11:35 pm

Zeno Clash Moz-screenshotZeno Clash Moz-screenshot-1Zeno Clash M_zeno_clash_1889
Zeno Clash 372482_full
Zeno Clash 384198_full
Zeno Clash 384200_full
Clash is a videogame developed by ACE Team, an independent game
development studio located in Santiago, Chile. It is available for
download through Valve Corporation's content delivery service, Steam.
The game is an action/fighting adventure set in a punk fantasy world.

In January 2009, Zeno Clash was a nominated finalist in the
Independent Games Festival yearly competition, in the category of
"Excellence in Visual Art". Zeno Clash was one of five games to be
selected for this award, from a total of 226 participating titles in
2009's IGF.


The story begins when Ghat (the protagonist of the game) is
banished from his family. Ghat is one of Father-Mother's dozens of
children. Father-Mother is a creature who is parent to a large clan
that lives in the main city of the game's world, Hastledom. Ghat is
accused of killing Father-Mother and is thus on the run from his
brothers and sisters seeking vengeance.[3]

Ghat was a Corwid of the Free, an insane occupant residing in the forests of Zenozoik, the game's world.


Zeno Clash is a fighting game mixed with first person shooter
elements. The gameplay has a strong focus on melee fighting that blends
with ranged combat using exotic weapons.

In an interview the developers have said the game is "like Dark
Messiah meets Double Dragon", citing that they have drawn a lot of
inspiration from fighting games including versus screens sliding in
before combat is initiated.

The game is set in the world of Zenozoik, where the player visits
extreme and exotic places. In addition to the single-player story,
Challenge Mode allows the player to defeat enemies while climbing a
tower. The results are ranked through Steam Friends every time the
player beats a tower floor's final boss.

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Zeno Clash
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